Sunday, June 16, 2013

"What is the Meaning of Life?"

About half a year ago (or so), I jotted the following "dream" down on a scrap of paper, which thankfully I had the good sense to save! As I wrote, I thought to myself, "oh, that must have been a lucid dream."

You see, I've been having lucid dreams since I was a child. They are truly wonderful to experience! In dreams, I have complete control over what happens. It is like playing in the ultimate toy box. I can have sex with whomever I want, I can fly like birds, I can outrun hurricanes & exploding volcanoes: I can do and feel and be anything.

But as this particular dream was happening (the one I'm about to share), as well as when I was later recording it, I had this tiny knowing that this was not a lucid dream. I knew (deep down) that this was something else.

Now I understand, after much written research as well as through talking face-to-face with many others "in the know," what I experienced was astral travel. I had somehow gained power and access to another way of knowing and being and seeing and traveling, without even consciously intending to. What a gift!

My particular mode of travel was not simply out of my body and around my bedroom or down the street or even into another country on Earth. I travelled not to anywhere on our physical earth, but I travelled past our plane and into another. It was a place where the colors were more vibrant, a place where love was more tangible in the air, and a place where time moved very very differently (in fact, I would gesture to say time really didn't exist there). As I moved into this plane and back out of these plane, I had the sensation in my physical ears of a very loud vibration--it was a deep buzzing but also gong-like sound that shook my entire body to the core. After doing research, I realize that what that sound was was me doing the work of transporting myself to that other plane. Going to that other plane involved not moving across space (like we do when we move our legs to get from Point A to Point B), but rather by my body's frequency being raised to a new height. In attaining that frequency, I was able to travel to and experience the plane I'm about to describe.

I am transcribing the dream just as I wrote it down on the scrap piece of paper, many months ago, as I jumped out of bed, wild-eyed and amazed.


Hot summer time. Afternoon. In front of me, there was a woman who had been killed in front of me. Blood oozed out of her gunshot wound. There was a loved one near her, a man (her husband?), crying, sobbing, screaming.

Then, two figures suddenly appeared: one male, one female. Loving. The man was very round; he was a Native American. The woman was also round; she was middle-aged with short grey hair and a sweater, despite the searing heat. These two figures said to all of us (both me and the crying man present) this: "There is no reason to fear. That person signed a contract for this to happen. To be in that place at that time."

The man sobbing looked up, said: "You are heartless. How can you be so cold?"

I said, then, to the two beings: "Can I talk to you both about this more?" They smiled lovingly and said "Yes." We walked away. I followed them into some cloudy place. Earth was no longer under our feet. We moved and swayed in the windy clouds. Fuzzy. Only light colors. No time; no up or down. My body was warm, vibrating.

I said: "What is the meaning of life?" In unison they replied, "To live life to the fullest!" I remember thinking, why is their answer such a cliche? Right after that, they melted away, and thousands of hands began to massage my entire body. It felt so blissful. Then, to my great surprise, I saw my body on the bed in my bedroom back on Earth. I was sleeping. My partner was next to me. But, that was in total contrast to what I was simultaneously feeling and seeing, which was a number of hands lovingly massaging me, taking away every pain I ever accumulated during life.

Then, my body began vibrating at a different speed. It was faster. Faster faster faster faster I began to moan out loud. Louder, louder, I began to moan and then howl! I was howling at all my pain and anguish in life. It hurt, but then as I realized it, I began to feel my "normal" Earth-body again. I felt both bodies simultaneously, and then I became afraid. That's when my eyes shot open, and I was back in my normal bed.

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